During a House hearing today on disinformation, Marjorie Taylor Greene pushed disinformation about extreme Trump supporters and violence.
Speaking to author Dr. Cynthia Miller-Idriss, an expert on extremism and radicalization, Georgia's polarizing Congressquack asked, "Would you consider Trump supporters extremists?"
"If they're calling for violence, it doesn't matter to me who they support," Miller-Idriss responded.
To which Greene said, "Haven't seen any [violence]," before sarcastically inviting Miller-Idriss to a "great rally in Iowa this weekend." (See video below, posted by Acyn.)
I guess Georgia's angriest Christian Nationalist is too busy fighting Jewish space lasers and calling for Civil War to to notice any violence beyond her own brutish grabs at power.
Front page thumbnail image: Marjorie Taylor Greene / House hearing