When Tesla burst into flames mid-ride, driver was told to bring burned heap to a service center (video)

There's nothing worse for a Tesla owner than when their $50,000+ low-quality Model Y bursts into flames mid-drive — except perhaps when Tesla's "customer service" blows said owner off for two weeks, then expects them to somehow transport their charred metal scraps to Tesla's servicing center.

Which is what reportedly happened to a California Tesla driver, who was running errands and thought he had a flat tire before smoke and then fire quickly engulfed his car. (See videos below – part 1 and part 2 – posted by the driver, Bishal Malla.)

From Insider:

When his Tesla went up in flames, Bishal Malla contacted the company's customer service hoping for answers. Instead, he was met with silence and one absurd recommendation to drag his burnt car to a Tesla-servicing center. …

Since then, he said he had contacted the company three or four times but had gotten "no follow-ups." …

"One agent I talked to had an audacity to tell me to take my fully burned Tesla to the Tesla recommended servicing center," Malla said on Reddit. "How in the world am I going to do that?"

Malla told Insider that the agent did not recommend how he could transport his burned car to the servicing center.

"If this had happened 30 minutes later, my whole family would be in there," he said on Reddit, adding that he was driving home to take his wife and two children to a family gathering.

Naturally, Tesla did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

Front page thumbnail image: Kevin McGovern / shutterstock.com