The photos in this 1913 fitness book look like fine art pieces about the supernatural. The grainy black and white photos overlay multiple fitness poses at once to show the user what steps to follow to complete the exercise. The end results look far more like an artistic photography project than an exercise book. I love how haunting and eerie these photos are, especially because this wasn't the intent behind them. This has to be the world's coolest looking fitness book. I'd hang all of these ghostly photos on my wall.
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"Keep-fit inspiration, courtesy of a 1913 German book titled Schwedische Haus-Gymnastik (Swedish House-Gymnastics) by Theodor Bergquist"

(Source: The Public Domain Review/ "Keep-fit inspiration, courtesy of a 1913 German book titled Schwedische Haus-Gymnastik (Swedish House-Gymnastics) by Theodor Bergquist" )