In this local news segment from the 1980s, citizens voice their dissatisfaction with new laws restricting their freedom to drink alcohol while driving.
One gentleman in a blue gimme cap, weary after a long day's work, grumbles about the encroaching regulations, suggesting it's part of a Marxist takeover. "It's kinda gettin' communist when a feller can't put in a hard day's work, put in 11, 12 hours a day, and then get in your truck and at least drink one of two beers," he says. Exhaustion plus alcohol — a winning combination for safe driving!
Also featured is a young mother, perched in the driver's seat of her pickup with her toddler in tow. She objects to both the ban on drinking and driving and the enforcement of seatbelt usage. Her fears are rooted in the potential slide into a totalitarian society. "They make laws about drinking; they make you wear a seatbelt," she laments, "Pretty soon, it's going to be a communist country."