Upgrade your PC with Microsoft Windows 11 Home, now $100 off

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TL;DR: Microsoft Windows 11 Home is necessary if you want your computer to be running with the newest operating system. Although it usually retails for $139, it's now on sale for just $39.99, an eye-popping deal that won't last long.

If you've ever used a computer with an out-of-date operating system, you know how frustrating it is. It can run slower, you can access fewer products, and in general, it just doesn't work as well. The good news is that Microsoft Windows 11 Home is now more accessible than ever.

Microsoft Windows 11 Home normally goes for $139, but now it's on sale for just $39.99. That's a whopping 71% off – no coupons needed. Whether you need to get a top operating system for your refurbished computer, need to add an operating system to the computer you're building, or are just in need of a Windows upgrade for your computer, this is an affordable option to keep your computer in its prime.

PCMag described Windows 11 Home as "a radically modernized, more consistent design" than Windows 10. The all-new interface is both easy to customize and easy to navigate and it has more enhanced security features — a must in a world where more of our lives are online while cybersecurity breaches run rampant. Windows 11 Home runs faster than ever, too. No more waiting impatiently for apps and sites on your computer to slowly turn on.

Side note: Yes, some people with a Windows 10 Home license can upgrade for free. However, not every device is eligible, and if you're running an older version of Windows, you'll need to pay to upgrade to Windows 11 Home.

So, ensure your computer is running at its absolute best and upgrade to Microsoft Windows 11 Home for only $39.99 now.

Prices subject to change.