Rockstar's 2010 Western epic Red Dead Redemption has been cited as one of the best games ever made, only surpassed by its sequel – and even then, there are those adherents who prefer the more focused, spaghetti Western-esque tone of the original. Despite this, the game has never been updated for console generations that came afterward or even officially ported to PC… but according to the Korean Game Rating and Administration Committee, that may soon change. The game being re-rated means that a rerelease in some form is on the horizon – the exact same thing happened mere months ahead of the remastered GTA Trilogy's release. This time, the specifics of the rating have changed somewhat, but most of it is stuff you'll probably remember if you've played the original:
* Direct sexual expression
– There are scenes depicting sexual intercourse, and sexual exposure of the body such as breasts is expressed
* Excessive expression of violence
– Body damage when attacked with firearms
* Direct criminal expression –
Criminal acts such as violence against ordinary people, train robbery, and horse stealing are possible
* Excessive vulgar, profanity, and profanity expressions
– Profanity and profanity are frequently expressed in conversations between characters
* Simulation of realistic speculation
– Poker or blackjack can be played using game money at bars, etc.
* Excessive expression of disgust and fear
– Expressions such as dead bodies being infected with zombie viruses and reviving or biting the human body
* Direct expression of drugs
– There are scenes of drug delivery, drinking, smoking, etc.Therefore, the rating is determined as 'not available for minors' in accordance with Article 21 of the Game Industry Promotion Act and Article 7, Subparagraph 4 of the Rating Classification Regulations. box.
Notably, zombies are mentioned, meaning that acclaimed DLC pack Undead Nightmare will also be making a return. More interestingly, however, is the use of the specific phrase 'body damage' – the only other game it's used to describe is Red Dead Redemption 2, and it's absent entirely from the Committee's original rating of the first game. Could this indicate that it's a full remake in 2's engine, featuring the more visceral and realistic gore systems used in that game? It's a weird clue, and may be a bit of a stretch, but whether or not it speaks to anything major remains to be seen whenever the official reveal rolls around.