Congressperson Ted Lieu is having none of Marge trying to re-write history. Pandering to her Qpublican paragon, Greene wants to pretend the two impeachments of Donald Trump did not happen. Lieu is not excited to pretend that something we all saw on TV did not happen, but thanks to Georgia's loudest congressperson, here we are.
The Republican contingent in Congress exists to block the government from doing anything helpful for people, and then blaming the Administration for it. Self-aggrandizement, performative legislative acts, and fundraising — mainly fundraising — are their schtick.
Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) on Sunday dismissed far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's (R-Ga.) latest stunt as just "more stupid stuff from a radical Republican caucus."
"There is no such thing known as an expungement of an impeachment in the United States Constitution," the California Democrat told MSNBC.
"This is totally a made-up process. It is nothing more than a glorified press release with a fake vote," he added.
Lieu noted that Trump's impeachment following the insurrection received bipartisan support in the House and Senate, even though a majority of Senate Republicans voted against conviction.
You "can't just erase that," he said. "It was televised. Millions of people saw it."