If you thought a trip to Disneyland has gotten too expensive, how about a 24-day around-the-world trip in a private VIP-configured Boeing 757 to six countries and all 12 Disney theme parks, starting at $114,995?
It's called Disney Parks Around the World – A Private Jet Adventure, and the first trip left on Sunday. Correspondents from the blog LaughingPlace.com are among the 75 guests on board, and will be chronicling their trip on their website and on social media.
It includes theme parks, special experiences, special tours, including behind-the-scenes park tours with Imagineers, and other tours such as a tour of the Lucasfilm campus, and why not throw in the Taj Mahal and the Eiffel Tower?
Are these high rollers waiting in line for rides with the randos at each of the theme parks they visit? Don't bet on it.