Forget the ambient temperature superconductor announcement from yesterday; the remarkable property of this credit card is the real "brand-new historical event that opens a new era for humankind."
Recorded on security camera footage at a store self-checkout kiosk (and posted by No Context Humans), we see a woman attempting to swipe her credit card through the reader when it suddenly flies out of her hand and falls to the floor.
She crouches down to retrieve it, but the card stubbornly refuses to be lifted. She has no problem sliding the card; she just can't pick it up. At one point she manages to flip the card, but no matter, the card's tenacious hold on terra firma is no match for her frantic scrabbling.
What could this property be used for? One thing that comes to mind is anti-theft. You could cover the bottom of a laptop with the credit card material and not have to worry about coffee-shop thieves lifting it from the table while you go to the restroom. Of course, you'd need some kind of password to activate and deactivate the anti-lift effect.
[Featured image: Geobor/]