Long before JK Rowling outed herself as Queen Transphobe of Transphobia Island, the LEGO Harry Potter games were a simple joy of mine. To a 15-year-old who had absolutely loved the books, there was nothing more entertaining than watching plastic facsimiles of the core cast mumble and pantomime their way through the plot of the movies, borrowing aesthetics and music from them to make it an experience as immersive as it was hilarious (if you like slapstick comedy and throwing Neville Longbottom around, anyway.)
Unfortunately, my love for the series died off after the aforementioned mask-off moment from its author – not even Hogwarts Legacy, the game I'd wanted since I was a kid, could tempt me.
In an attempt to wring some more money out of the Harry Potter brand before its creator destroys what little goodwill she still has, however, Warner Brothers seems to be putting out another entry in the LEGO Harry Potter series, as evidenced by a quickly-deleted teaser on the WB South Africa account.
The hypothesis seems to be that this will be a new game uniting and remaking the previous ones in the series to cover all 7 stories in one cohesive package, similar to the recent The Skywalker Saga, which did much the same for the previous LEGO Star Wars games. There's not really anything else to do without delving into the even more questionable apocryphal material of the series, like the downright confusing stage play that serves as an eighth installment or the middling at best Fantastic Beasts movies. As fun as returning to my childhood in 60 FPS, ray-traced glory sounds, it's just not worth putting money in the pocket of She Who Should Not Be Named.