It's known that repressed rage can lead to sudden outbursts, and the churchy Mike Pence is having a hard time with it. His latest flare-up occurred at a useless campaign event over the weekend, where he was badgered by MAGA folk still angry at the former VP for spoiling Trump's grand scheme of a fascist takeover.
"That's a traitor!" someone shouted. "You're a sellout," said another. "Why didn't you uphold the constitution?!"
"I upheld the constitution," Pence said, a bit defensively. And then he couldn't help himself, turning around to shout, "Read it!" Oops. The trailing candidate, remembering his lot in life, then managed to get a hold of himself, keeping the rest of it — "You moron!" — to himself. (See video below, posted by Kesey Walsh.)
After he calmed down, he realized in horror what he'd done — sassing a Trump voter — and immediately backpedaled. At a town hall shortly after his knee-jerk retort, when asked about Trump's violent MAGA fans, he said, "I know the people of this movement — whether they support me or not, [they] are the best people in this country." And so the cycle of anger and repression continues.
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