Poor Kevin Sorbo. The beloved superstar, who won the hearts of theater-goers with his exemplary acting in movies such as "Poolboy," "Never Cry Werewolf," and "Bernie the Dolphin 2," says he can't get roles anymore because he is a follower of Christ and a conservative.
The conspiracy-spreading MAGA man just doesn't understand why Hollywood won't tolerate his intolerance. "It's just too bad," he says.
Sorbo's grievances go back to at least 2014, when he told an interviewer, "There's a negativity towards Christians in Hollywood, and a negativity towards people who believe in God."
Apparently, Christians like Tom Hanks, Nicole Kidman, Mark Wahlberg, Jane Fonda, and Denzel Washington didn't read the memo, and are having to say no more often than yes to opportunities to star in major motion pictures. Even Mel Gibson gets movie jobs after all the hideous antisemitic crap he's spewed over the years.
Could it be possible that Sorbo's acting skills aren't good enough to compensate for the fact that he's an unpleasant person and nobody wants to work with him?
Transcript of video below:
There'a divide in our country right now and it's perpetuated by the mainstream media. Perpetuated by movies, TV. I don't harbor that kind of anger and hate towards people that have a different point of view, and it was sad to me, you know, my manager, an agent for so many years said "we can't get you jobs anymore [garbled] work with you because people don't you know, because you're being a Christian and being conservative". And I almost have to laugh at that because it's an industry that screams for tolerance and yet it's a one-way street. It screams freedom of speech, but it's Hollywood's one-way street as well. And that's it. This is too bad.