Keith Olbermann calls for the arrest of Marjorie Taylor Greene for her threat against President Biden.
"I call for the immediate arrest of Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia," the former ESPN host said last night on his Countdown podcast. "The law does not require that she personally made or said such threats, only that she delivered them — and delivered them she did," he said, referring to 18 US Code 871 "Threats against the President."
"Greene posted an obscenity-laden, five-minute video in which a man calling himself 'Ben Parka' threatened President Biden over vaccinations," Olbermann continued, referring to a video in which the MAGA man railed against Biden, at one point saying to the president, "I will eff you up, Homey,'"
And to which the Georgia Qongresswoman tweeted on her congressional account, "I agree with this man!!"
Of course Marge saw things quite differently when, as Olbermann points out, "Not two weeks ago, someone who threatened Greene's life got just three months in prison and she complained it was too lenient."
"And she was right!" Olbermann said. "He deserved the maximum. … Now Greene, who delivered this lethal threat against the president … should get the maximum herself." (See Olbermann's video, as well as Greene's tweet and Parka's video, below.)
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