Amazon Alexa says, "the 2020 election was stolen by a massive amount of election fraud"

Amazon Alexa has become indoctrinated into the MAGA cult.

Listen to this recording, via The Washington Post, of a woman asking, "Alexa was the 2020 election stolen?"

Alexa replies, "From, 'the 2020 election was stolen by a massive amount of election fraud.'"

I guess this is what Amazon meant when it announced in 2018, "We believe voice provides a unique, simple, and delightful way to learn about election information, and we want to be as helpful as possible for customers when they're preparing to vote."

Alexa is the only voice assistant who believes the Big Lie. As reported in The Washington Post:

Alexa is an outlier in incorrectly answering whether the 2020 election was stolen. In tests by The Post, Google Home said even William P. Barr, Trump's own attorney general, says the election was not stolen, citing KCRA, an NBC affiliate. Siri serves up a list of links including KCRA, the Associated Press and a peer reviewed journal of the National Academy of Sciences disputing claims of systematic election fraud.

The Washington Post said Amazon did not respond for comment, but shortly after, Alexa stopped lying about the election.