I can't seem to get enough javelina content, and thankfully, I have found some social media accounts that provide a plethora of peccary pleasures.
Here's the latest javelina video I can't stop watching. A night cam captured a javelina mama and her two babies munching quite contentedly on some mealworms. About 20 seconds in, mama javelina senses some kind of danger and immediately freezes and signals the babies to follow her lead. They stay frozen and silent for about 15 seconds to make sure the immediate danger has passed, and then skedaddle away.
The video was shared on X/Twitter by Melissa Crytzer Fry, who provides this description of what's going on:
Mama #javelina signals complete silence at possible danger. #cameratrap (It was only other #peccaries). Watch till the end. #TeamJavelina
It was retweeted by Russ McSpadden, who provides additional info:
Turn up the sound! #TeamJavelina can go from loud munch to frozen silence in an instant when a potential threat appears. These little ones have already been well trained in the ninja arts by their mother.
If you need more javelina videos and photos in your life, follow Russ McSpadden, who describes himself as: "Desert rambler, writer, activist in the Arizona/Mexico borderlands He/Him/Él/Y'all Typos & opinions are mine alone" and Melissa Crytzer Fry, whose bio reads: "Writer, citizen scientist. Sharing a love of nature & the Sonoran Desert through photography, camera traps, & hubby's drone imagery/remote videography."