Street preacher in Grinch costume holds "Santa is fake" sign outside elementary school (video)

Amarillo, Texas parents weren't thrilled this week with one David Grisham who donned a Grinch costume and stood outside an elementary school holding a sign stating: "Santa is fake. Jesus is real." Video below.

The Amarillo Globe-News reports that police were called to the scene although according to Sleepy Hollow School principal Kelsey Williams, "Grisham could not be forced to leave because he was on a public sidewalk, but he was issued a criminal trespass warning."

Eventually, one adult grabbed Grisham's sign and tossed it on the ground, infuriating Grisham even though he told ABC7 News that he could "understand why they're upset."

"They're upset because they're prideful and don't want to admit that lying to their child is wrong in spite of what God's word says," Grisham insisted. "They're more concerned with the traditions of men rather than the truth. And they double down on the lie because of pride and they are angry because they want to blame the person telling the truth than the one who told the lie that prompted the truth to expose the lie. They don't want to be seen as a liar in the eyes of their child. But the facts say they are… I'm not concerned about the "magic" of Christmas but the MIRACLE of Christmas in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ."

Back in 2016, Grisham caused a stir at a local mall trying to debunk Santa where kids were lined up to meet him. That makes no sense, of course, given that the youngins could see Santa in front of their very eyes. Grisham now claims he's going to take his act on the road to freak out kids and annoy parents outside of elementary schools across the nation.