Earl Grey Tea Intoxication is real, people. You might be next. Josef Finisterer, Ph. D., writing in 2002:
The longer he drank Earl Grey tea, the more intense the muscle cramps became. After 3 weeks, they also occurred in the left foot. After 5 weeks, muscle cramps had spread towards the hands and the right calf. Occasionally, he observed fasciculations of the right adductor pollicis and gastrocnemius. Additionally, he noted distal paraesthesias in all limbs, and a feeling of pressure in his eyes, associated with blurred vision, particularly in darkness. … The patient assumed that there was a relation between his symptoms and his tea consumption, and stopped drinking Earl Grey after 5 months, reverting to pure black tea again. Within 1 week, his symptoms had completely disappeared.
Welcome to the world of phototoxic, hepatotoxic chemicals, such as bergamot oil, acting in this patient's case as a selective axolemmal potassium channel blocker.