So I love edutainment, sue me.
I was being facetious, please don't sue me.
Anyway, if you want to watch a man dressed in sunglasses and a wool suit, carrying ye olde French flag whilst paddling down the bayou and walking through the historical portage of New Orleans, you should watch this video. If pure spectacle doesn't tickle your fancy, maybe I can appeal to the history nerd within—the whole journey is narrated in real time by our protagonist, whose ability to recall the entire story of the founding of New Orleans, years, names, glib anecdotes, debaucherous anecdotes, etc, is at once inexplicable, extremely entertaining and funny.
The origin story of New Orleans is a tale of rampant corruption, unchecked greed, fiendish vice, and gross incompetence – not much has changed! Join me on an epic journey of discovery as I trace the route of the first French explorers to this area by paddling down Bayou St. John and walking overland to the French Quarter, exploring the geography and history of the city along the way.
He's one of my favorite Youtubers, and this is some of his finest work. Give 'im a watch