Move over, QAnon the Musical, there's a new shitty right-wing musical in town. Mikki Willis, of dubious "documentary" Plandemic fame, will be debuting his latest gem, Plandemic: The Musical, on Saturday March 9th at the RePlatform Conference in Las Vegas. The email I received from Mikki Willis announcing the film debut reads:
Join me, along with JP Sears, Jimmy Levy, Judy Mikovitz, DPAK and other special guests for an unforgettable evening. After the show, swing by the Plandemic/Rebel Lion booth for some post-premiere fun! We'll be signing movie posters, snapping pics, and our Rebel Lion team will be there with awesome merch and Fierce Immunity products.
Rebel Lion (aka "rebellion," get it?) is an apparel and supplement company co-founded by Mikki Willis and Chris Roy. Their signature product is a supplement called "Fierce Immunity," which includes Vitamin D, Zinc, L-Arginine, Hesperidin Powder, and Quercetin. The Fierce Immunity website describes the company's mission: "Immunity is our god-given birthright. We believe in taking responsibility for our health—and that means putting in the work to nurture, challenge, and strengthen our bodies." A 30-serving bottle costs $58.00. Comedian-turned-right-wing-conspiritual-grifter JP Sears has also joined the Rebel Lion gang and has been hawking the supplements all over his social media. But I digress.
Here's the trailer for Plandemic: The Musical. In it, we see a man defiantly ripping off his mask in a grocery store. He starts singing:
Welcome to the Great Awakening.
Come on, breathe again.
It's the moment we've been praying for.
Like tree roots woven underground, growing so strong.
No stone will ever break us down.
As he sings, others in the grocery store start shedding their masks, dancing, and hugging. It's as bad as it sounds—definitely watch the trailer so you can see what I'm talking about. I apologize in advance.
The email from Mikki Willis also describes the conference where Plandemic: The Musical will debut:
RePlatform is a 3-day event in Las Vegas from March 8-10, 2024, aimed at creating a "Freedom Economy" and brought to you by the team behind Defeat the Mandates.
Get ready for a powerful lineup of speakers, an expansive tradeshow, and the much-anticipated premiere of Plandemic: The Musical on March 9th.
Connect with trailblazing inventors, dynamic entrepreneurs, and creative mavericks paving the way for innovations that break free from corporate America's constraints.
Be part of the movement that champions progress and freedom!
The RePlatform website provides this description of the conference:
To forge an UnCanceled America, RePlatform is a 3-day conference and business expo beyond grift, rhetoric, and good intentions. We're bringing together inventors, banks, payment systems, hackers, developers, investors, entrepreneurs, and creators to craft real products that work around the incompetence, stagnation, and censorship in Corporate America.
As the team behind Defeat the Mandates, we united social conservatives, red-pilled progressives, people of faith, classical liberals, libertarians, and populists to dismantle the mandate system all across America. Now, we're reimagining this same coalition to create a superior, more innovative Parallel Economy. Join us in Las Vegas.
The conference also features an "UnCancellable Lineup", which includes Mikki Willis, JP Sears, and a couple of dozen other players in the red-pilled "freedom" scene. Sounds like an awesome time, doesn't it?