trump Kash Patel, Trump's pick for FBI Director, has a long history of conspiracy grifting Jennifer Sandlin
politics Former comedian Russell Brand ended up selling "magical amulets" for "EMF protection" Jennifer Sandlin
vladimir putin New Age conspiracy theorist praises Putin and Tucker Carlson's charge against the Satanic Cabal Jennifer Sandlin
fox news Is Tucker Carlson a saint? Is Fox News part of the New World Order? Some on the right think so. Jennifer Sandlin
research Manosphere grifters misuse evolutionary psychology to promote anti-feminist views Jennifer Sandlin
conspirituality #HonestWellnessInfluencer hashtag mocks conspiritualists and reveals the truth behind their grift Jennifer Sandlin
conspirituality How Tik Tok amplifies the consumerist fever dream of conspirituality Jennifer Sandlin
religion Conspirituality: A podcast that dismantles New Age cults, wellness grifters, and conspiracy-mad yogis Elías Villoro