Gathering of 706 Kyles not enough for world record

706 people named "Kyle" turned up for the gathering of the Kyles in Kyle, Texas, but it wasn't enough to claim the world record for the largest assembly of people with the same name. The total fell far short of a 2017 gathering of the Ivans in Bosnia. There were 2,325 Ivans there.

It's not the first time the Kyles have come gunning for the Ivans. Last year, the official count at what has become known as the Gathering of the Kyles clocked in at 1,490 in the fast-growing Texas city that is about 37 miles south of Austin, the state's capital.

Very disappointed in you, Kyle.

Previously: Rope-skipping world record set by Japanese schoolchildren
Teen solves Rubik's Cube in world record 4.69 seconds
Dolly Parton look-alike contest draws over 1,100 wigged impersonators to break world record