Yet another tourist is bitten by a horse of the King's Guard (video)

A careless tourist gets too close, and a horse from the Royal Guard lets her know.

While this looks like it hurts, it is nothing compared to what the horse could have done if it wanted to hurt the touron. This person gets too close and, ironically, is standing right in front of the sign intended to warn her away. The Guard seems to help as much as he can, while remaining mostly uninvolved.

To read the sign
byu/God_of_Nightwisdom intherewasanattempt

Horse Guards is a historic building in the City of Westminster, London, between Whitehall and Horse Guards Parade. It was built in the mid-18th century, replacing an earlier building, as a barracks and stables for the Household Cavalry. The current and previous buildings were, between the early 18th century and 1858, the main military headquarters for the British Empire. Horse Guards originally formed the entrance to the Palace of Whitehall and later St James's Palace; for that reason it is still ceremonially defended by the King's Life Guard.


A tourist ignores sign at Buckingham Palace that says 'horses may bite' — so the horse bites (video)
Another tourist at the Tower of London thinks she's at Disneyland, gets screamed at by guard