Right as Gov. Landry signs his 10 Commandments law, a child behind him faints (video)

As Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry signed into law a requirement that all public classrooms display a large poster of the Ten Commandments, a child standing behind him fainted. And who could blame her? (See video below, posted by The Recount.)

But, as the old saying goes, the show must go on, which it did without even a split-second of notice to the hubbub going on behind the governor's back.

"This bill mandates the display of the Ten Commandments in every classroom in public elementary, secondary and post education schools in the state of Louisiana," said the governor — the same gentleman who cares so much about children, he turned down $71 million in federal assistance earlier this year that would put food on the tables of poverty-stricken families with children.

It was at this point in his Ten Commandment law-signing speech that a girl right behind him fainted and fell. But as others shuffled around to help her, the governor stuck to his holy guns in delivering his message. "If you want to respect the rule of law, you've got to start from the original lawgiver, which was Moses," he said, before whipping out his pen and signing the bill.

Amusingly, a woman sitting next to Landry questioned his remarks, being that Moses actually received his laws from God, and was thus not the "original lawgiver." Not wanting to ruin his glorious moment, the governor gov-splained what he meant. "That's right, he got his commandments from God," he told her, as if that is what he meant all along.

Meidas Touch pointed out the fainting child in their repost of the video here.

Previously: Louisiana hopes to reduce crime by letting teens conceal-carry guns