Texas family who runs taekwondo school rescues a woman from alleged assault

A family of five who runs a taekwondo school outside Houston, Texas put their skills to use after they heard screams coming from a building near their dojo.

College student Simon An said his father — Hong An, a 59-year-old grand master eight-degree black belt — "led the charge" when they heard the screams, "and then my sister was just right behind him."

The family burst into a mobile phone business next door and found a gentleman sexually assaulting a woman, but thanks to the martial arts experts, he didn't get very far.

From The Washington Post:

[Simon] said he saw a young man on top of a female, one hand over her mouth and the other touching her inappropriately. Simon's suspicions had already been raised — earlier in the day, he noticed a "weird" encounter between the two.

From there, the scene unfolded quickly: Simon said his father grabbed the man's shirt, but the man managed to take the shirt off. Han then grabbed the man's pants, keeping one arm straight and stable while using the other to block any attacks. He was able to pin him down.

While the two struggled, the man allegedly bit Han on the arm and neck. Simon came to his father's aid, kicking and punching the man in the chin. His youngest brother, Christian, 18, locked the front entrance and barricaded it with furniture in case the suspect tried to escape, and his mother, Hong, 55, and his sister, Hannah, 22, started ushering the victim to safety in their taekwondo school. "She was pretty shaken up," Simon said.

Hong pinned the man down for 10 minutes until police arrived, according to NBC News. "My dad is strong." Simon said.

The suspect was identified by Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez as 19-year-old Alex Robinson. "A group of good samaritans rushed to save the day," he said in a post on X. "Thank you to the Yong-In dojo for your quick action in protecting others."

Previously: Watch this incredible Taekwondo 720° spinning kick to break four boards