The Dark Falcon is a tie-in to the upcoming animated show LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy. It features a badass black and red Millennium Falcon, Light Side Vader, bounty hunter C3-PO, and Dark Side Rey. There is also Darth Dev, who I was hoping was a reference to a character mentioned in my all-time favorite PC game, Star Wars: X-Wing, but sadly Dev Greebling (heh) is a new, unrelated character from the show.
A Death Star-style laser has replaced the Falcon's radar dish. Darth Rey has a double-bladed red lightsaber that isn't any more ridiculous than Kylo Ren's crossguard saber. Instead of a Dejarik board, Beach Luke plays a video game version of Star Wars chess while sipping on some blue milk and sporting a spectacular head of hair.
However, the standout minifig in this set is, of course, Darth Jar Jar. Although I don't think the show or the minifig makes him canon, I definitely need to add him to my collection. It wouldn't be the first time I bought a set for a single minifig. Or cat.
Lego Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy premieres in September. The Dark Falcon is available for pre-order now and ships in August.
Previously: LEGO Star Wars introduces Darth Jar Jar