If you want to try writing with a cheap plastic disposable pen, the BIC Crystal is the pen for you.
I hate scribbling back and forth on a piece of paper, trying to get a rollerball pen to start flowing after they've sat for a long time. The BIC, however, is pretty classic in its ability to fill the void when you really need any pen. It is, after all, the world's number one selling pen, and hexagonal to boot! My favorite pen is a Parker Duofold.
• Levenger's L-Tech 3.0 Stealth, a serious fountain pen
• I tried a reader recommended $31 fountain pen
• $5 knockoff of world famous Parker 51 fountain pen
• The best white pen is the Uniball Signo Broad
• Wes Anderson designed a very expensive fountain pen
• Put an inexpensive gel refill in your fancy Fisher Space Pen