Chinese zoo paints dogs to look like pandas (video)

In what seems to be a trend, another zoo China is exhibiting dogs disguised as pandas. A visitor to the zoo in southern Guangdong province posted a video of the cute creatures on the Douyin social media platform and it went viral. See below.

Apparently there is a sign near their enclosure that reads (translated): "We are called Panda Dogs, a pet dog that looks like a panda, dyed and dressed up by Chow Chow. We are gentle, smart, friendly, cute and adorable!"

According to zoo management, they're not trying to fool guest, just delight them.

"You can see by our name, we are 'Strange Animals and Cute Pets Paradise,'" a spokesperson told Sichuan Observation. "These are Chow Chow dogs being painted (as pandas), as this is part of our specialties."

• Chinese zoo dyed dogs to look like pandas
• The pandas in this Chinese animal cafe are actually dogs in disguise