Robot dog entered in dog competition

YouTuber Zac Alsop entered a robot dog in a real dog competition. The robot dog is named Roobot, punningly named after Alsop's real dog, Roo. Roo is not a fan of his robot doppelganger, although he does give Roobot the traditional dog greeting butt sniff. Roobot gets some lessons from one of the world's top dog trainers, who is unexpectedly delighted by him.

Despite learning from the best, Roobot is ill-suited to agility training, so Alsop pivots to "musical freestyle," which is essentially dog dancing. It also turns out to be impossible to wield the robot's controller and dance simultaneously, so a conspirator is enlisted to control Roobot from the stands, which is definitely against the rules. The crowd seems to enjoy the robot dog dance performance, but the judges were not impressed.

Like all robot dogs to date, Roobot is somehow simultaneously adorable and alarming. As one passerby says, "No, that's terrifying. No, I don't like it." All of the actual dogs at the show seem to agree.

Side note: Alsop kicks the robot dog at one point, which is just not cool, and I hope the robots take note of his behavior. I am (mostly) kidding, but I do think that mistreating robots and digital assistants makes you a little bit of a sociopath.

Previously: Watch: incredible dance routine by dog and woman