Shristi Dharmendra Sharma sets limbo skating world record

Recently, the world record for "Fastest Limbo Skating Under Poles" was achieved by Shristi Dharmendra Sharma. This involves a series of horizontal, descenting poles that look humanly impossible to pass under. The fact that someone is able to do this on skates is amazing.

At first I thought the skater was going to bend over backwards, the way one does when they play limbo at a party. Instead, she lowered herself to the ground in a split position, while speeding under the poles on her skates. It looks like her entire abdomen is touching the ground as she does this. My legs hurt from watching this!

From YouTube: "The fastest time to limbo skate under descending poles over 50 m is 9.59 seconds and was achieved by Shristi Dharmendra Sharma (India), on the set of Lo Show Dei Record, in Monza, Italy, on 18 December 2023."

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