Everything is a Remix (previously) is an important, entertaining series of short videos that trace the ways the creation is built on earlier creation — that "originality" is just mixing existing things in new ways.
Kirby Ferguson, who created the remarkable Everything is a Remix series, has a new podcast hosted by the Recreate Coalition called Copy This and he hosted me on the debut episode (MP3) where we talked about copying, creativity, artists, and the future of the internet (as you might expect!).
Kirby Ferguson's amazing Everything is a Remix series (previously), turns its keen eyes on JJ Abrams's record-breaking reboot of Star Wars, itself a mashup of classic films, and shows what happens when a mashup artist remixed a remix of a mashup. — Read the rest
Adi from EFF writes, "Engine Advocacy worked with artist Kirby Ferguson (of Everything is a Remix fame) to create this great primer on patent trolls. It beautifully and succinctly lays out the patent problem, which is one of the hottest topics on the Hill right now. — Read the rest
Kirby Ferguson, creator of the absolutely outstanding Everything is a Remix series, explains his theory of creative inspiration, remix, and cultural commons, citing some of history's best-loved "individual" creators and explaining how what they did was a remix, an extension and a part of the work that came before them. — Read the rest
Hughillustration sez, "Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, video artists who break the encryption on a DVD or sample online steaming videos could face legal threats – even if the video they create is considered fair use. We think that's nuts. — Read the rest
Looking back towards the past, the stories told over the years about the Chupa Chups logo have woven themselves into the tapestry of society like half truths told with good intentions and a lack of fact checking that can happen in the art world, which helps explains why the Chupa Chups logo you know is probably a remix of Salvador Dalí's remix. — Read the rest
A while back I posted a link to a Kickstarter campaign for Orangered's notebook called the BetterBook, which has an aspect ratio that matches a smartphone's. It turns out the BetterBook looks an awful lot like Studio Neat's Panobook, which was launched a few years ago. — Read the rest
On the latest Copy This podcast (MP3) (previously), the amazing Kirby "Everything is a Remix" Ferguson talks to Paul Keller about the new EU Copyright Directive, which will impose mandatory copyright filters on all online platforms, opening the door to rampant censorship and ensuring that only the biggest (American) tech companies will be able to afford to operate in the EU.
Rob beat me to the blog this morning with a post about Star Wars Minus Star Wars, a stupendous video in which Kyle Kallgren retells the entire story of the first Star Wars movie with footage that either inspired George Lucas or was inspired by him after the movie's release.
In the vein of Everything is a Remix, this short film catalogs a non-exhaustive list of Tarantino's easter eggs/film-nerd love-notes/homages in his films.
Kirby Ferguson, creator of Everything Is a Remix, has launched the first installment of his serial documentary project about "the forces that that shape us." In this first entertaining episode, Ferguson explains why people fall for conspiracy theories.
He says: "To see future episodes you will need to subscribe. — Read the rest
Two mutually exclusive ideas are often voiced: first, that Apple's a shameless thief, and second, that its products are revolutionary. The truth–and the crux of the company's genius for design–lies in-between. Kirby Ferguson, of Everything Is A Remix fame, deconstructs the iPhone's eclectic inspirations and origins. — Read the rest
Update: Kendra from Harvard sez,
The online course called CopyrightX is a version of the HLS Copyright course taught on edX by Prof. Fisher. It's facilitated by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society and the efforts of a number of HLS students. — Read the rest
Kirby "Everything is a Remix" Ferguson, whose work we've blogged about a lot, gave an amazing, must-see TED Talk about the way that creativity comes about as the result of creative re-use of others' work. It's not just explicit remixes and samples — everything from the iPhone to Bob Dylan's music are made out of other peoples' inventions and creations. — Read the rest
Everything is a Remix, the short video series previously featured here, is back with a new installment on The Matrix, in which Rob Grigsby Wilson and his friends trace the influences, lifts, cribs, and sneaks that went into the Wachowskis's "original" movie. — Read the rest