Since I last presented a year-end videogame wrap-up for Boing Boing readers, it's become an exponentially harder task. The number of games released per day has – even just since… Read the rest of the article: The 20 games you shouldn't miss in 2016

Since I last presented a year-end videogame wrap-up for Boing Boing readers, it's become an exponentially harder task. The number of games released per day has – even just since… Read the rest of the article: The 20 games you shouldn't miss in 2016
Over the past year I played hundreds of amazing games across a wide spectrum of team sizes, budgets and ambitions. These exemplify the best that 2014 had to offer: interesting places to explore, important achievements, or just nice ideas executed simply. I hope you'll find them as surprising and delightful as I did.
In other holiday charity game bundle news: six indie developers are also working together on the IndieSale, a week-long price drop on truly the best original games on the App… Read the rest of the article: Top iPhone indie game devs partner for charity-driven IndieSale
Cory mentioned this campaign when it first launched, but the team behind the charity-driven Humble Indie Bundle 2 — which lets you pay what you like for five top-tier indie… Read the rest of the article: Humble Indie Bundle 2 adds games from first bundle
It's not the first or even the second time he's done a gaming themed take on the default twitter-bird, but it is the most interpretive and therefore kind of the… Read the rest of the article: Image: Apelad's Pac Man Twitter avatar
Andriasang has closeups of a line of wicked customizable Mario Ts (that chain-chomped heart!) meant solely for members of Japan's official Club Nintendo, and on the same day Tiny Cartridge… Read the rest of the article: Image: Nintendo of Japan's Mario tease
It all started — it should be noted — with Steve Swink and Scott Anderson's Shadow Physics, revealed at the Game Developers Conference's Experimental Gameplay Sessions in 2009, and still… Read the rest of the article: Shadow play: Sony enters the shadow-game ring with echochrome ii
This week's 'Deal of the Week's on Xbox Live contain a few former Games To Get names, including charitable music puzzler Chime (above, truly one of the Xbox 360's top… Read the rest of the article: Get These Games (a bit cheaper): Xbox Live Chime, Darwinia, more on sale
Above: the first video of multiple IGF award finalist and all around fantastically ambient game Osmos running on the iPad, ahead of its July 8th App Store release date. I've… Read the rest of the article: Ambient touch: Hemisphere Games' Osmos due July 8th for iPad
While it might not quite be on artistic par as Europe's score with arthouse film streaming service MUBI, the announcement of Hulu Plus — an ad-supported and subscription based alternative… Read the rest of the article: Hulu due for PlayStation 3 in July, Xbox 360 in 2011
Finally, I can show off what's been keeping me so preoccupied for the past week (and all morning as well!), as we announce the opening of the 2011 Independent Games… Read the rest of the article: Indie Games Festival opens 2011 submissions, adds mobile games
PC (and now Mac!) digital download service Steam has kicked off a site-wide sale offering big discounts on everything from AAA to indie, including bundles like the 'Northern Lights' pack… Read the rest of the article: Steam offers deep-discount game sale
A few months back, I mentioned Game Seeds, the card game created by Utrecht School of the Arts, Monobanda and Metagama to help game designers brainstorm both character design and… Read the rest of the article: Now available: Game Seeds, the card game about game design
While I'm still in the thick of preparing the deluge of words on the good things I did see at this year's E3 (somewhere buried underneath the thick strata of… Read the rest of the article: Rock of Ages: a different kind of art game
Via my trusty E3 companion Sarah Brin, the missed connections from this year's Expo, for when you really, truly, honestly thought that booth babe (or bro) only had eyes for… Read the rest of the article: Missed connections: E3 edition
NYC artist Zach Gage should already be a familiar name both for his accidentally-controversial art/game Lose/Lose (the Space Invaders-alike that deleted a file from your hard drive on every successful… Read the rest of the article: Get Zach Gage's 8-bit iPhone dodger Bit Pilot for free
Saving you the trouble of coming all the way out to LA, IGN have published off-screen video of the Portal 2 demo Valve's currently demonstrating here at E3. The first… Read the rest of the article: E3 2010: first gameplay video of Valve's Portal 2
My new first stop tomorrow when the E3 halls properly open: the Ubisoft booth, hoping to get a closer look at Child of Eden, the new motion-controlled game from Rez… Read the rest of the article: E3 2010: Rez creators Q? announce Child of Eden
Microsoft were the first to bat at this year's E3 videogame expo, before its official Tuesday opening (following Nintendo and Sony's own presentations), with both the bacchanalia of Sunday night's… Read the rest of the article: E3 2010: the 4 things you need to know about Microsoft's press conference
Tomorrow I'll be headed out for week at the yearly-roman-orgy-of-videogames that is E3, and while it's not quite the indie tour-de-force of GDC, there will be a good enough number… Read the rest of the article: Hey LA: come see Bit.Trip devs Gaijin at Giant Robot June 14th