Rudy Rucker remembers Benoit Mandelbrot

Eileen Gunn sez, "The incomparable Rudy Rucker describes his visit to one of the greatest mathematicians of our time. Surreal, philosophic, mathematical."

Mandelbrot is waiting for me at the end of his driveway, he's worried I might not find the house as the address on the curb is covered by snow.

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Terry Bisson/Rudy Rucker illustrated picture book

How cool is this: Rudy Rucker painted a series of illustrations for Terry "Bears Discover Fire" Bisson's series of "Billy" short stories, and they've released the resulting ebook as a free download:

In our never-ceasing quest to shock and enlighten the world at large, Terry Bisson and I are releasing a Creative Commons free ebook edition of Terry's incredible collection of tales, sometimes known as Billy's Book, but now transmogrified into Billy's Picture Book, thanks to some painted illos I created for it.

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Rudy Rucker and Michael Shea in San Francisco this Saturday

Hey, San Francisco! Here comes the next SF in SF reading series event, with Rudy Rucker and Michael Shea! You lucky bastards.

The SF in SF May authors reading takes place on Saturday May 22nd. The guests will be the multi-talented Rudy Rucker, whose art exhibition has been running at our venue for the past six weeks, and the multiple World Fantasy Award-winning Michael Shea.

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Flurb 9: more Rudy Rucker fiction picks

Hurrah! It's time for another issue of Rudy Rucker's absolutely ass-kicking free sf zine, Flurb. The new ish has stories by Paul Di Filippo, Rudy Rucker, Richard A. Lupoff, Danny Rubin, and Kathe Koja and Carter Scholz (incidentally, I've been reading Koja's new book in manuscript form and I am agog at its brilliance — watch this space in the months to come for a review of Under the Poppy). — Read the rest

Rudy Rucker's trip to New York City

On his blog, Rudy Rucker writes about his recent visit to New York City. In addition to the many nice photographs he took, he included this old YouTube clip of Camper Van Beethoven's video, "Take the Skinheads Bowling," because he saw the band with his daughter Georgia, while he was there. — Read the rest

Rudy Rucker on the early days of cyberpunk

Rudy Rucker's posted an excerpt from his memoir-in-progress, Nested Scrolls, recounting the early days of the cyberpunk literary movement, in which drugged-out weirdos from around America discovered each other and were abused by science fiction fans:

I'd meet the other canonical cyberpunk, John Shirley, two years later, when we were both staying with Bruce and Nancy Sterling in Austin, Texas, in town for a science fiction convention that was featuring a panel on cyberpunk.

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Rudy Rucker's science fiction webzine Flurb #5 is out

Issue 5 of Flurb, Rudy Rucker's wonderful, bizarre science fiction ezine, is out. Here's Rudy's description: "This issue features a Beat SF story of Rudy Rucker's in the form of letters from William Burroughs in Tangiers, excerpts of John Shirley's lost cyberpunk novel Black Glass, Terry Bisson's hilarious anti-mundane story 'Captain Ordinary,' a Lovecraftian novella by Lavie Tidhar, and some amazing pieces by new SF writers." — Read the rest

Rudy Rucker versus the Singularity

Science fiction writer and mathematician Rudy Rucker takes a running swing at the idea of the Singularity, the moment in human history when we disassemble raw matter, turn it into "computronium" and upload ourselves to it, inhabiting a simulation of reality rather than real reality. — Read the rest

Rudy Rucker's Postsingular: Wheenk!

Rudy Rucker's new novel Postsingular is pure Rucker: a dope-addled exploration of the way-out fringes of string theory and the quantum universe that distorts the possible into the most improbable contortions.

In Postsingular, a mad scientist creates a race of nants — nanites — that digest the planet and turn it into a computational simulation of Earth, called Vearth. — Read the rest