Wil Wheaton dungeon-mastering charity Dungeon Delves in Tucson this weekend

Wil Wheaton's Dungeon-Mastering a pair of Dungeon Delves (45-minute speed-dungeons) at RinCon next weekend in Tucson, at $50/head to benefit Child's Play, a charity that sends toys, games, books and cash to sick kids. Sounds like a blast!

First, some history: Way back in the olden days, when 8 bits were enough to blow your mind on a 13-inch television and digital watches were a pretty neat idea, the concept of the Dungeon Delve was born.

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Wil Wheaton teaches his son to slay dragons

Wil Wheaton is leading a kitchen-table game of Dungeons and Dragons with his teenaged son and some of his son's friends, and documenting the campaign in his blog. This is absolutely charming, a heartwarming tale of our proud geek heritage being passed down through the generations. — Read the rest

Wil Wheaton's Slashdot interview

Wil Wheaton has done an excellent Slashdot interview that's pure Wil — funny, savvy, and insightful:

It's tough to answer your question without coming off like a total douche, but I'll try: I think you see most celebrities carefully choosing who they talk to and what they talk about because a lot of their value is based on the mystique their publicists can create for them.

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A Computer Is Also a Screen, Wil Wheaton Discovers

On the evening of blogger/actor Wil Wheaton's return to the small screen in CSI, this profile by the New York Times' John Schwartz. Snip:

The dark moment of the soul came in a Hooters in Pasadena. Mr. Wheaton wandered in one day in June 2000 with a buddy for lunch, and the waitress – her name tag, he swears, read "Destiny" – asked, "Didn't you used to be an actor?"

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Wil Wheaton: So, ASCAP to *license* podcasts? Readers respond.

Wil "now starring in CSI" Wheaton says:

Your post at Boing Boing about ASCAP licensing just made my blood boil.

Do I understand this correctly? If I love a band (let's pick The Shins, because that's what iTunes is playing right now) and want to share a great song (New Slang, for instance) to a large audience in my podcast, and talk about how much I love the album, and encourage all the listeners to go buy it .

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Wil Wheaton to appear on CSI

Actor, author, cat-lover, and blogger Wil Wheaton has a new gig on the CBS television show CSI. They're asking him to refrain from shaving so he'll look scary and scruffy. HAWT. Link. Congrats, Wil!

Wil Wheaton reads from Just a Geek

Wil Wheaton, the former Wesley Crusher of Star Trek: TNG, is one of the most interesting geeks I know. Geeks, as a species, come from fantastic and variegated backgrounds — doctors, lawyers, ditch-diggers and shop-clerks; it's a salutory effect of the absence of any real professional practice of geekdom. — Read the rest

Wil Wheaton in mean Pan remake

I saw a movie this week, and got very excited about one of the trailers, for a movie called Neverland, which appears to be a very lush retelling of Peter Pan that's quite nasty and dark — like a rusty fishhook in the 'nads. — Read the rest

Wil Wheaton's book is out!

Wil Wheaton's new book, Dancing Barefoot, is out! It's comprised of five true-life anaecdotes from Wil's life, which is as weird and interesting and 21st-Century an existence as you can imagine:

Houses in Motion – Memories fill the emptiness left within a childhood home, and saying goodbye brings them to life.

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Wil Wheaton — Star Trek's

Wil Wheaton — Star Trek's Wesley Crusher and a true-and-through nerd with a kick-ass blog — will appear on The Weakest Link tonight as part of a Star Trek theme episode. If he wins, he's donating the proceeds to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. — Read the rest

Cory Doctorow's new book on beating big tech at its own game

My friend Cory Doctorow —author, digital rights advocate, and Boing Boing alum — refuses to sell his audiobooks through Amazon's Audible because of its mandatory Digital Rights Management (DRM) system, which restricts user choices by locking them into Amazon's platform. Instead, Cory crowdfunds his own DRM-free e-books and audiobooks, which are read by professional narrators like Wil Wheaton. — Read the rest