Bonkers geodesic futuristic homes of Idaho Falls

Jesse sez, ""Growing up in Idaho Falls, Idaho was strange enough but I always wondered what was up with this collection of futuristic hippy homes in my neighborhood above I.F. (called Rimrock Estates, in Ammon, ID). The place is overrun with starter castles today, yet these architectural anomalies built sometime in the early 80's, presumably by the same developer continue to amaze. — Read the rest

23 years' worth of soap opera romance condensed into 6 minutes

Here's a sweet little animation spelling out 23 years' worth of the complex interpersonal relationships on The Bold and the Beautiful, a soap-opera, visualized with artists' maquettes and liberal use of connecting lines and narration.

Beautiful LAB – EPISODE 0 in English: The Bold and the Beautiful in 6 minutes

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Tea Party candidate challenges write-in votes

In Alaska, the election isn't quite over. Votes must be manually examined due to the success of write-in candidate Lisa Murkowsky, who may well have defeated Tea Party-supported Republican Joe Miller. But write-in candidates — where the name must be spelled out rather than simply checked — face particular difficulties. — Read the rest

Fiskars multi-scissors

Core 77 reviews Fiskars' amazing Cuts+More multi-scissors that can be used as an awl, rope-cutter, wire-cutter, twine-cutter, tape-cutter, sharpener, bottle opener, and titanium knife. Fiskars has a deserved reputation as one of the world's finest scissor vendors, and is part of the same company that owns Gerber, who make some of my favorite multitools. — Read the rest

What it costs to host a malware site

Brian Krebs reports on "bulletproof hosting" providers that offer malware/spyware creeps, spammers, rip-off artists and other Mos Eisley cantina-dwellers a place to park a website where takedown notices, search warrants, and the law can't reach.

Of course, just how insulated this particular provider's services are and how much illicit activity you can get away with while using them depends largely on how much you're willing to shell out each month.

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If other industries were as evil as the record companies member AceJustice is featured in the site's photoshopping contest that asks members to imagine, "If Other Industries Were As Evil as the RIAA." I love AceJustice's entry, as it illustrates one of my favorite DRM metaphors, useful when people ask why I think it's important that we be allowed to run "unapproved" software on our phones and tablets: "Would you buy a toaster that limited you to buying your bread from a single vendor?" — Read the rest