law Bill from Missouri's Rep Ben Baker threatens librarians with prison sentences for allowing minors to read books banned by town committees Cory Doctorow
censorship The lawyer who caught UNC giving $2.5m to white nationalists orders the white nationalists to create a $2.5m fund for Black students or face a lawsuit Cory Doctorow
education Indiana University Provost: The First Amendment says we can't fire our notorious bigot professor, so here's what we're doing instead Cory Doctorow
censorship Disgraced ex-cop's bullshit libel case has nearly destroyed the newspaper that outed him for sexual predation of teen girls Cory Doctorow
streisand effect New Hampshire court to patent troll: it's not libel when someone calls you a "patent troll" Cory Doctorow
white supremacy Three California Nazis sentenced to prison for their participation in the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally Cory Doctorow
law Mississippi makes it a jailable offense to call plant-based or cultured-meat patties "burgers" Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Speech Police: vital, critical look at the drive to force Big Tech to control who may speak and what they may say Cory Doctorow
1a The platforms suck at content moderation and demanding they do more won't make them better at it — but there ARE concrete ways to improve moderation Cory Doctorow
gender Owner of civil war reenactment business sues school district that canceled field trips after his far-right social media came to light Cory Doctorow
gender Arizona's kick-ass new bisexual Senator took her oath on the US Constitution, administered by cringing, homophobic Dominionist Mike Pence Cory Doctorow
Democrats Congressional Democrats' first bill aims to end gerrymandering, increase voter registration and rein in campaign finance Cory Doctorow
Copyfight The Ghastlygun Tinies: MAD's Edward Gorey satire that takes aim at school shootings Cory Doctorow
protest Nation Park Service on the verge of blocking most White House protests: comments due by MONDAY! Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Tomorrow: come to our University of Chicago seminar on Renaissance censorship and internet censorship Cory Doctorow