trumpism Betsy DeVos quietly spends millions to promote the unpopular policies she hopes to enact as a federal official Cory Doctorow
trump EPA Inspector General Report finds massive waste from Trump's Pruitt flying business class, staying in swanky hotels Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole Trump's FCC chairman won't do anything about your cellular company selling your location to bountyhunters because shutdown Cory Doctorow
ftc Top FTC official is so such a corporate shill that he has conflicts of interest for 100 companies, including Equifax and Facebook Cory Doctorow
Business All the economists who told the FTC we shouldn't break up Big Tech are paid by Big Tech Cory Doctorow
trumpism Scott Pruitt's EPA has opened secret backchannels to the climate denial industry to find "scientists" and other "experts" Cory Doctorow
Business Trump's finance watchdog wants to make the taxpayer-funded database of crooked banks go dark Cory Doctorow
corruption Scott Pruitt is such a colossal asshole that the lobbyists who were bribing him with nearly-free lodgings evicted him Cory Doctorow
trumpism Trump's Consumer Finance Protection Board chief gives up on punishing Equifax for doxing the entire United States of America Cory Doctorow
class war Trump's "consumer protection bureau" will let the $50B payday lending industry gouge the poorest Americans with triple-digit interest rates Cory Doctorow
class war Trump's Cabinet of Billionaires operates in unprecedented (and illegal) secrecy Cory Doctorow
trumpism A law-enforcement agency is trying to figure out who owns the bots that hacked the FCC's Net Neutrality comment period, but the FCC is obstructing justice Cory Doctorow
web theory 100 million Americans live in areas where every single ISP has admitted to violating net neutrality Cory Doctorow
trumpism The scientists and innovators who invented the internet to the FCC: you really, really don't understand how the internet works Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole The Credible Hulk: Ajit Pai thinks you only care about Net Neutrality because Mark Ruffalo told you to Cory Doctorow
trumpism Trump appointed a loan-shark fixer as an assistant Attorney General, who then wrote a controversial memo justifying the neutering of the consumer finance watchdog Cory Doctorow
telcoms Arrogant overreach: Ajit Pai's plan to totally destroy net neutrality may doom him in court Cory Doctorow