politics John Oliver: Britain's 14-year decline more about austerity economics than Brexit, but all of it sucked Rob Beschizza
economics A layperson-friendly introduction to MMT, a heterodox school of economics that could finance a Green New Deal Cory Doctorow
canada Sidewalk Labs' quiet plan for Canada's banks to manage a national digital ID for health care and housing Lilian Radovac
eu Relatives and cronies of Cambodia's dictator have bought "golden passports" from Cyprus and exfiltrated millions Cory Doctorow
corruption The government of Baltimore has been taken hostage by ransomware and may remain shut down for weeks Cory Doctorow
ukpoli London councils plan to slash benefit payments with an "anti-fraud" system known to have a 20% failure rate Cory Doctorow
happy mutants The Occult Defence Agency Budgeting Simulator: a text adventure that pits monster-slaying against austerity Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Labour report on executive pay proposes giving customers a vote on compensation, ending share-based compensation for execs Cory Doctorow
uk UN poverty envoy calls UK poverty a "political choice" that inflicted "great misery" Cory Doctorow
police Felons, Nazis: Michigan is occupied by an army of 3,000 armed, unregulated "police reservists" Cory Doctorow
economics Modern Monetary Theory: why government spending isn't like household checkbooks Cory Doctorow
uk The worse your town was hit by austerity, the more likely you were to vote for Brexit Cory Doctorow