electronics Far-out commercial for Sharp electronics from 1978 tape of Star Wars Holiday Special (video) David Pescovitz
eff Podcast: A cycle of renewal, broken: How Big Tech and Big Media abuse copyright law to slay competition Cory Doctorow
eff A cycle of renewal, broken: How Big Tech and Big Media abuse copyright law to slay competition Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Gadgets This NES Classic jailbreak is a perfect parable of our feudal future of disobedient dishwashers Cory Doctorow
timemachine This Day in Blogging History: Laser-cut bento; Shooping McCain's tongue; FCC adopts the Broadcast Flag Cory Doctorow
Copyfight RIAA bigwig who architected anti-technology lawsuits is now #2 at the Copyright Office Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Former top US copyright bureaucrat thinks all communications/entertainment technology should be illegal until Congress approves it Cory Doctorow