cybersecurity The EFF's director of cybersecurity answers common questions about protecting your online privacy Mark Frauenfelder
gender Teen Vogue counsels taping over your webcam to resist FBI (and other) surveillance Cory Doctorow
Business The company you hired to snoop on your kids' phones uploaded all their data to an unprotected website Cory Doctorow
security Snowden helped design an app that turns your old phone into a surveillance device to help solve the "evil maid" problem Cory Doctorow
corruption EFF and partners reveal Kazakh government phished journalists, opposition politicians Cory Doctorow
videos Doc film on surveillance seeks fund to film Syrian activist subjected to state surveillance Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Celebrate the crossword's centenary with EFF's NSA-themed crossword puzzle Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Free/open source programmer and Creative Commons activist Bassel Khartabil faces torture in notorious Syrian prison Cory Doctorow
security Malware targeted at Syrian activists can operate webcam, disable AV, keylog, steal passwords Cory Doctorow
EFF: "What Does Twitter's Country-by-Country Takedown System Mean for Freedom of Expression?" Xeni Jardin