dna Scientists have successfully performed CRISPR gene editing in a live human body for the first time ever Thom Dunn
Science Teen self-injects verses from the Bible and the Koran that have been transposed into DNA Cory Doctorow
Science Mice given an experimental gene therapy don't get fat, regardless of caloric intake Cory Doctorow
security If you're an American of European descent, your stupid cousins have probably put you in vast commercial genomic databases Cory Doctorow
biology Genetic analysis reveals that bizarre extraterrestrial skeleton isn't extraterrestrial David Pescovitz
Science Analysis of North America's weeds reveal the crops, trade, and cuisine of early indigenous people Cory Doctorow
privacy China will collect the DNA of every adult in Xinjiang province, where Uyghur people are systematically oppressed Cory Doctorow
happy mutants The Hardware Hacker: Bunnie Huang's tour-de-force on hardware hacking, reverse engineering, China, manufacturing, innovation and biohacking Cory Doctorow
Science Fashion student simulates couture collection made from Alexander McQueen's cloned skin Cory Doctorow
single-server websites The Bluesky firehose of posts visualized as a 1990s screen saver Rob Beschizza