happy mutants Three artificial pancreases: a special trio of Catalog of Missing Devices entries Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Gadgets Abbott Labs kills free tool that lets you own the blood-sugar data from your glucose monitor, saying it violates copyright law Cory Doctorow
health People with diabetes are scouring the internet for a discontinued insulin pump that can be reprogrammed as an "artificial pancreas" Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Gadgets This NES Classic jailbreak is a perfect parable of our feudal future of disobedient dishwashers Cory Doctorow
Business Johnson & Johnson says people with diabetes don't need to worry about potentially lethal wireless attacks on insulin pumps Cory Doctorow
Business Swedish law will let you write off the money you spend fixing things rather than trashing them Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Gadgets HP detonates its timebomb: printers stop accepting third party ink en masse Cory Doctorow
law The DoJ is using a boring procedure to secure the right to unleash malware on the internet Cory Doctorow
privacy Canada's new Liberal majority: better than the Tories, still terrible for the Internet Cory Doctorow