class war Even if you pay off your student loan, be prepared to spend decades trying to get bottom-feeding debt-buyers to acknowledge it Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism A self-appointed wing of the American judicial system is about to make it much harder to fight terms of service Cory Doctorow
shutdown From the empty, shutdown IRS, automated processes are sending out property seizure notices, and no human can stop them Cory Doctorow
web theory Engineer/hero/entrepreneur Limor "ladyada" Fried was kicked off Facebook and no one will tell her why Cory Doctorow
india A club for people whose relatives had them​ declared dead in order to steal their land Cory Doctorow
Games Martian Immigration Nightmare: Kafka meets Musk in a trumpism immigration simulator Cory Doctorow
censorship Writer in 29th year of solitary confinement barred from reading his own book Cory Doctorow
crime Ontario police's Big Data assigns secret guilt to people looking for jobs, crossing borders Cory Doctorow
law Big Data Kafka: US Government Watchlists and the secrecy whose justification is a secret Cory Doctorow
social media Instagram's terrifying false positive nearly ruined a tech writer's life Mark Frauenfelder