kentucky One of the poorest, most desperate regions in Appalachia is experiencing an economic miracle thanks to fiber run by a New Deal-era co-op Cory Doctorow
usausausa Small town, independent and municipally owned ISPs offer America's best connectivity Cory Doctorow
web theory Traverse City, MI braves the wrath of telcoms lobbyists, pushes ahead with municipal fiber network Cory Doctorow
finance Comcast fights shareholder call for lobbying transparency, saying that it would be "burdensome" to reveal how much it spends lobbying states Cory Doctorow
law Trump's FCC won a terrible victory in last week's net neutrality ruling, but we're still winning the war Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Telcoms lobbyists have convinced 26 states to ban or restrict municipal broadband Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Small Massachusetts town decides to spend $1.4m building its own fiber, rather than paying Comcast $500K for shitty broadband Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism AT&T disconnects whole families from the internet because someone in their house is accused of copyright infringement Cory Doctorow
law Lobbyist for AT&T and Verizon publishes a threat to "aggressively" sue any states that pass net neutrality laws Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Washington State lawmaker thinks the courts will uphold state Net Neutrality law because the FCC abdicated its duty Cory Doctorow
Democrats Kucinich is running for Ohio Governor, and he's promised to end fossil fuel extraction and sue Big Oil Cory Doctorow
videos Cable operator Fidelity Communications admits it that secretly created the fake-grassroots "Stop City-Funded Internet" campaign to kill Missouri municipal net Cory Doctorow
corruption Despite the FCC, more than 750 predominantly conservative US communities have built their own publicly owned ISPs Cory Doctorow