Business CEOs quit Trump: The 1% can't win elections unless the 99% turkeys vote for Christmas Cory Doctorow
competition "I Shouldn't Have to Publish This in The New York Times": my op-ed from the future Cory Doctorow
twitter On the eve of a contentious election, Twitter suspends the accounts of progressive activists Cory Doctorow
internet of shit "Friendly" apps are good at maximizing engagement, but their context-blindness is a cesspit of algorithmic cruelty Cory Doctorow
Business The Trump-funding, democracy-denying, Gawker-destroying Peter Thiel is finally no longer involved with Y Combinator Cory Doctorow
books Volk: a sinister, Lovecraftian tale of eugenics, Naziism, and "radiant abomination" Cory Doctorow
politics The best thing you will read about the revelation that Captain America was a Nazi spy Cory Doctorow
Entertainment Walking Dead 11: zombie comic is a parable about the ethics of survival and disaster Cory Doctorow