happy mutants Internet Voter Registration Day: pledge to vote, and get your friends to pledge, and scare the piss out of SOPA-loving DC insiders Cory Doctorow
web theory Internet governance shifting from civil society to government, and getting less free Cory Doctorow
politics Princess awards First Amendment lawyer "Defender of Internet" medal for SOPA fight Xeni Jardin
Business EMI VP opposes SOPA, thinks better products at better prices will solve piracy Cory Doctorow
Copyfight The President's challenge: What more does government want — or deserve — from the tech world? Nat Torkington
Copyfight US record labels trying to sneak SOPA's provisions into Canada's pending copyright legislation Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Chris Dodd to Obama: Hollywood will stop supporting you because you were soft on SOPA and PIPA Cory Doctorow
happy mutants SOPA/PIPA mashup: how much Hollywood money did your lawmaker take? Name and shame with fellow voters Cory Doctorow