ComplaintRemover promises to rid the Intertubes of LOLCats

The good folks at Consumerist pranked the "ComplaintRemover" service, a company that promises to game search-engines and use legal harassment to make negative remarks disappear from the net. They got a CSR on a chat line and posed as a cat-breeding site and asked for help eliminating the scourge of LOLCats — ComplaintRemover blithely promised to get the job done.

CLIENT: How does that work? How are you able to get another company to get rid of something that's part of their business?
Kelly: we push the negative links back in serch engines
Kelly: so nobody will see that ones
CLIENT: So you like make new internets and push the bad internets down
Kelly: yes
CLIENT: My keywords are lolcats
CLIENT: I have a cat breeding business and people keep making pictures of cats with derogatory phrases on them
CLIENT: It's hampering my ability to attract new clients
