Today, we announce some changes over at Boing Boing tv — the good kind. The show completed its first year of Boingsistence on October 2, 2008 (remember our very first day back in 2007?), and we've spent some time in recent weeks thinking through new things we'd like to explore, and how to stay nimble and consistently fresh during a time when many online video shows are, to be frank, having a rather hard time of things.
Here's what we're doing.
Each MONDAY, we'll post a brief update of goings-on around the mothership blog, hosted by me, including iChat Video or Skype interviews with folks we've blogged about recently. Kind of a fast news update, and a way for us to keep you in the loop on things that Cory, Mark, Pesco and I have posted here on Boing Boing that have taken on a life of their own. We're posting the first one of these momentarily (yeah, I know it's Tuesday, but we're kicking things off today.) UPDATE: Here's our first Boing Boing tv Weekly Update episode!
TUESDAY, expect a Boing Boing Gadgets item. We're producing a bunch of short electronics/tech stuff reviews from Joel Johnson, and we hope to include BB Gadgets co-editors John Brownlee and Rob Beschizza, soon, too.
WEDNESDAYS, we'll feature stuff from Brandon Boyer and crew at Boing Boing Offworld, the games blog we launched yesterday. Check out for a hint of how this will feel: gaming seen through a wide lens that encompasses the art, culture, and human experience of gaming, not just a buying guide.
THURSDAYS, we'll continue to bring the engaging original programming that we love to produce, and you, our audience, seem to love just as much. We'll keep bringing you reports from around the world; mini-documentaries about tech and culture topics with me, the other Boingers, and other brilliant people around the world (Kyle Glanville doing coffee treks in Brazil, Joi Ito galavanting around in Tokyo, Sean Bonner hunting monsters, Monochrom herding inebriated Vikings, John Behrens and the Omega Recoil Tesla Coil builders); and all the other brain exploding material we have yet to find!
FRIDAYS? The return of the Unicorn Chaser. This will surprise and delight you. It will be super awesome. You will thank us all weekend long.
So, that's the plan. And on behalf of my Boing Boing partners, a very special THANKS to everyone who made the first year of Boing Boing tv possible, including, but not limited to, and in no particular order…current crew members and alumni Derek Bledsoe, Rob Bergsma, Keith Carunida, Dana Devonshire, and Wesly Varghese; our jungle-dwelling consigliere and creative consultant Jolon Bankey; our production advisor Matt West of DECA; DECA co-founders Michael Wayne and Chris Kimbell, and the entire staff and management team of DECA, George Ruiz at ICM; our attorney Rob Rader of MSK; the good folks at Creative Commons and the EFF, to Sarah Milstein, and the teams at Castfire and Episodic, our sysadmin Ken Snider ("The Man in the Jeffries Tubes"), and the management and sales superheroes at Federated Media — John Battelle, Chas Edwards, Bernie Albers, Jason Weisberger, Mugs Buckley, Neil Chase, Jennifer Tamez, James Navin, Josh Mattison, Jackie Mogol, Alison Marino, Jason Ratner, Mac Delaney, Lester Lee, Leona Laurie, Matt Jessell, Sacha Lien, Cindy Murphy, James Gross, Ivan Kanevski, Liam Boylan, Eric Amsden, and Jonathan Schrieber. A very special thanks to the many friends who've contributed talent to the show, including John Hodgman, the MAKE (event and magazine) folks, Johannes and the team at monochrom; Matt and Hiroko, Todd Lappin; Bill Barminski; Syd Garon; Russell Porter; Eddie Codel, Jason McHugh, Charis Tobias, Adam Koford, EBOY, Mister Jalopy, and many others. Thanks to the guys at Virgin America, Apple/iTunes, and YouTube, for help with distribution. And much gratitude to Boing Boing tv's past and present sponsors, including: Intel, Dell, Samsung, Verizon, Microsoft, Crowdfire, Toshiba, BMW, IBM, T Mobile, Amazon, Adobe, SanDisk, and JCPenney. [gasps for breath]. Also, God, and our moms. Thank you and good-boing.