That weird meeting between presidential candidate Donald Trump and a number of so-called Prosperity Gospel evangelists sounds weirder the more we learn about who was there, and what they actually say they believe.
Prosperity Gospel is a profiteering TV preacher and megachurch movement that basically dupes people into handing over donations to learn how to pray to Jesus so Jesus will make them rich.
Funny thing about this, though: A number of the biggest names in Prosperity Gospel are or have been under investigation for misuse of those donated funds. And let's not bullshit around: come on, you know they're a bunch of scamming sonofabitches.
Right Wing Watch reports on the laying-on-of-hands with Trump in his Trump Tower office:
It is especially amazing that figures like [Kenneth] Copeland and [Jan] Crouch would be among the invited guests, as both lead highly controversial ministries that have faced serious questions about misuse of funds. On top of that, both Copeland and Crouch are the sorts of preachers who claim that they can, respectively, cure Ebola by speaking in tongues and bring a chicken back from the dead through prayer.
The aforementioned Trump supporter Jan Crouch, known for her wealth of legally questionable origin and for her fabulous collection of televangelist glamour wigs, claims in the video below that her prayers to Lord Jesus brought her beloved chicken back from the dead.
Seems legit.
Crouch is one of the televangelist who met privately with Trump, with the aim of getting him elected as President of the United States. Kenneth Copeland was there, too, and he's the guy who says Jesus can cure Ebola.
I look forward to seeing these televangelists all getting Ebola, so they can test out their belief in real life.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gestures and declares "You're fired!" at a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, June 17, 2015. REUTERS