Win all six books nominated for this year's Philip K Dick Award

The Philip K Dick Award is given to the best paperback original each year (past winners include Tim Powers' Anubis Gates, Rudy Rucker's Wetware, William Gibson's Neuromancer and Meg Elison's The Book of the Unnamed Midwife).

This year's nominees are:

* Apex, Ramez Naam
"Global unrest spreads through the US, China, and beyond. Secrets and lies set off shockwaves of anger, rippling from mind to mind."

* The Edge of Dark, Brenda Cooper
"What if a society banished its worst nightmare to the far edge of the solar system, destined to sip only dregs of light and struggle for the barest living. And yet, that life thrived?"

* After the Saucers Landed, Douglas Lain
"UFOlogist Harold Flint is heartbroken and depressed that the aliens that have landed on the White House lawn appear to be straight out of an old B movie."

* (R)evolution, PJ Manney
"Scientist Peter Bernhardt has dedicated his life to nanotechnology, the science of manipulating matter on the atomic scale. As the founder of Biogineers, he is on the cusp of revolutionizing brain therapies with microscopic nanorobots that will make certain degenerative diseases become a thing of the past."

* Windswept, Adam Rakunas
"Labor organizer Padma Mehta is on the edge of space and the edge of burnout. All she wants is to buy out a little rum distillery and retire, but she's supposed to recruit 500 people to the Union before she can."

* [Archangel, Marguerite Reed
"The Earth is dying, and our hopes are pinned on Ubastis, an untamed paradise at the edge of colonized space. But such an influx of people threatens the planet's unstudied ecosystem — a tenuous research colony must complete its analysis, lest humanity abandon one planet only to die on another."

The six authors have come together to offer copies of all six books to six lucky winners. Enter here.