Arthur Jones is standing uncontested to be the GOP's candidate in Illinois's 3rd Congressional District, representing suburban Chicago; he has run for office several times on a white-supremacist, Holocaust denial platform, calling the Holocaust "the biggest blackest lie in history."
The district is a Democrat so safe that even the hereditary DINO and despicable fool Dan Lipinski has been able to hold it while advocating against abortion, a $15 minimum wage, and marriage equality — so perhaps it's not surprising that no one from the GOP wants to bother running except a fringe figure like Jones.
Jones is a 70 year old, retired insurance agent who has devoted his life to the causes of Holocaust denial and white supremacy; he is opposed by the Illinois Republican Party, but he will nevertheless be their candidate in the 2018 midterms, because enough people who live in the 3d signed his nomination petition as he doorstopped them to ask for their support. Jones will not seek Trump's support because Trump has a Jewish son-in-law.
Jones told the Sun-Times he is a former leader of the American Nazi Party and now heads a group called the America First Committee. "Membership in this organization is open to any white American citizen of European, non-Jewish descent," he said.
"Arthur Jones, who proudly displays Holocaust denial, xenophobia and racism on his blog and website, has a long history of hateful, extremist and anti-Semitic views," said Lonnie Nasatir, the regional director of the Anti-Defamation League Chicago-Upper Midwest Region.
"For example, in 2009, he protested the opening of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, and continues to espouse absurd conspiracy theories questioning the deaths of millions of Jews.
"He has spoken publicly at numerous neo-Nazi rallies and events, expressing xenophobic policies based in racial and religious hatred. He is, by every definition, an anti-Semite and unrepentant bigot."
Holocaust denier poised to claim GOP nomination in Illinois race for Congress
[Lynn Sweet and Frank Main/Chicago Sun Times]